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أسطورة الأي ــام 26-01-2009 11:54 AM


شسمه , اللحين الكلام ده كووولّـه لي :09:؟ <:113:
أخاف أتكِسِف ولايصير لي :113:

وه ولاتحرمن ياربي :080:


بنت الشماسية 26-01-2009 12:10 PM


مانمت جاثوم بشكل ثاني



[MARK="FE9EB9"]وردي[/MARK] : أنُثوتنَا رحيقُ وردْ !

أسطورة الأي ــام 26-01-2009 12:28 PM


some writing to the best doctor : Aiat
The questions for today's exam were very very good , as you said about it ,
so myself now looks relaxing because I am sure that what I wrote it
of sentences , paragraph or essay about the
great man , as you said , Aristotle and his implications
was right , proper , correct , etc.
{If Allah wants this }
the lonely thing which worries me
and all the girls , generally , is your correcting

If you don't want to correct all the papers honesty , I suggest for you ..
{ you can let the teaching to another doctor }

this is merely a suggestion ,only


أسطورة الأي ــام 26-01-2009 12:39 PM



I hope that she can look my this response

[ :028: ]


بنت الشماسية 26-01-2009 12:53 PM


Dear / legend

The most vulnerable among the professors

Only! From the womb of my Lord

Thank you and

Dear always fine


[MARK="FE9EB9"]وردي[/MARK] : أنُثوتنَا رحيقُ وردْ !

صديقة الشمس 26-01-2009 01:02 PM


شـكلكم توكـم مـختبريـن انقلش :d

أسطورة الأي ــام 26-01-2009 01:14 PM


shmaseya's daughter

< :113:

that's right !

at the end
the studious students are the loser without any sin !!

the cause , with all my sorry , the professors' indolence

Is there any fairness or justic ?!


بنت الشماسية 26-01-2009 01:32 PM


Friendly sun /

I love the English language .. I wish some day i speak fluent

[MARK="FE9EB9"]وردي[/MARK] : أنُثوتنَا رحيقُ وردْ !

أسطورة الأي ــام 26-01-2009 01:35 PM


ok ok

no problem my darling ...:023:

go to sleep now and ed3y 3la mn '9lmts

< :113:


بنت الشماسية 26-01-2009 01:39 PM


Dear / legend

These weak hearts

But! At the very self-Lord of the Worlds

[MARK="FE9EB9"]وردي[/MARK] : أنُثوتنَا رحيقُ وردْ !

أسطورة الأي ــام 26-01-2009 01:44 PM



I love the English language .. I wish some day i speak fluent

I also wish to speak English fluently

soon , In the permission of Allah

: )


بنت الشماسية 26-01-2009 01:44 PM



Legend ~

Sleep well

Iabaadi :d

[MARK="FE9EB9"]وردي[/MARK] : أنُثوتنَا رحيقُ وردْ !

بنت الشماسية 26-01-2009 01:47 PM


المشاركة الأساسية كتبها أسطورة الأي ــام (المشاركة 1336740)


I also wish to speak English fluently

soon , In the permission of Allah

: )



إن شاء الله :)

[MARK="FE9EB9"]وردي[/MARK] : أنُثوتنَا رحيقُ وردْ !

乂♥ متفائلة ♥乂 26-01-2009 02:39 PM


ربـاه ,’

ضـاقت بي الأرجـاء فخذ بيدي !

[MARK="99CC00"]تفاحي[/MARK]: روضَةٌ مِن أشْجَار الرَبيعْ !

الساعة الآن +4: 02:32 AM.

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