مشاهدة لمشاركة منفردة
قديم(ـة) 01-04-2009, 03:32 PM   #2
Bn Ibrahim
صورة A N A S الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2007
البلد: بريدة
المشاركات: 9,058

I saw a girl with golden hair
And wished I was as fair
When suddenly she rose to leave
I saw her hobble down the aisle
She had one leg and wore a crutch
But as she passed, she smiled
Oh, God, forgive me whine.
I have 2 legs, the world is mine
With feet to take me where I'd go
With eyes to see the sunset's glow
With ears to hear what I'd know
Oh, God, forgive me whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine
I stopped to buy some candy
The lad who sold it had such charm
I talked with him, he seemed so glad
If I were late, it'd do no harm
And as I left, he said to me
"I thank you, you've been so kind.
You see, '' he said, '' I'm blind ''
Oh, God, forgive me whine.
I have 2 legs, the world is mine
With feet to take me where I'd go
With eyes to see the sunset's glow
With ears to hear what I'd know
Oh, God, forgive me whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine
I saw a child with eyes of blue
He stood and watched the others play
He did not know what to do
I stopped a moment and then I said
'' why don't you join the others, dear? ''
he looked ahead without a word
and then I know, he couldn't hear
Oh, God, forgive me whine.
I have 2 legs, the world is mine
With feet to take me where I'd go
With eyes to see the sunset's glow
With ears to hear what I'd know
Oh, God, forgive me whine.
I've been blessed indeed, the world is mine


It's time to give
Time to forgive
All your relative and friends .
It's time to give
It's time to live
Honestly with no pretends
It's time to share
It's time to care
About every move you make
It's time to share
And to declare
" The hope in my heart won't break "
it will never break
It's time to speak
Not to be weak
It's time to stand up for right
It's time to s
The highest peak
And to struggle with all your
It's time to strive
And to survive
In this big chaotic place
It's time to fly
With your head high
So that you are not pushed down
It's time to eye the endless sky
and to reach out for your crown
It's time to glow
From head to let go
To heal every wound and scar
It's time to make
And not to break
The bond that you left behind
It's time to brace
A better place
So that you can reach your goal
It's time to speak
Not to be weak
It's time to stand up for right
It's time to sеек
The highest peak
And to struggle with all your
It's time to striveAnd to survive

وَمَا تَوْفِيقِي إِلَّا بِاللَّهِ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَإِلَيْهِ أُنِيبُ

A N A S غير متصل   الرد باقتباس