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قديم(ـة) 11-10-2010, 08:53 PM   #1
Registered User
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
البلد: فلسطين
المشاركات: 143
تحديث برنامج تسجيل المكالمات Smartphoneware Best CallRecorder v1.06

Smartphoneware Best CallRecorder v1.06

(0) S60v3/v5 S^3 Unsigned By XPlod@POPDA

This is a fully customizable call recording application for S60 3rd edition with rules for

saving conversations for incoming/outgoing calls from known/unknown numbers. Unobtrusive and easy to



* "No beep" recording option;
* Automatic recording of voice calls, optionally limited or unlimited in time;
* User defined storage memory for recorded conversations;
* Custom rules allowing to automate call recording for different phone numbers and call directions;
* Small memory and battery usage;
* Easy-to-use and intuitive user interface;

البرنامج لتسجيل المكالمات مع مميزات اخرى




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