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ســاحـة مــفــتــوحـــة المواضيع الجادة ، والنقاشات الهادفة -- يمنع المنقول

أدوات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم(ـة) 11-10-2002, 06:38 PM   #1
صورة الجنرال الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2001
المشاركات: 2,290
أرسل هذه الرساله دفاعاً عن اسرى جوانتانامو

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


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بقية العناوين للمنظمات والصحف العالمية

تجدها على هذا الرابط


عنوان الرسالة
Urgently to all ( about USA )

نص الرسالة
To who it may concern at :
The International Security Council ,
International organizations of human rights in all over the world ,
And to the defenders of human rights .

On behalf of all Muslims in the world ,we are writing to you for your affecting support concerning the issue of Guantanamo prisoners .
As you do know , the United States of America has broken all the
International Conventions and rejected human morals in its treating the prisoners of Taliban and Al- Qaeda Organization . No matter how these manners remind us of the middle ages , USA still rejects deliberately any voice of objection . Furthermore, these violations are practiced by a country introduced itself as the leader of ' Modern Free World ' . This expression means that all Western countries , governmental and nongovernmental organizations and human rights advocates are involved indirectly in any activity carried out by USA . Unless these Western governments and organizations react against these violations of human and international morals , they will be subjected to lose their credibility.
Acting on saving some living creatures under threat of extinction or calling for protecting environment should not be the utmost goal of some governments and organizations . They have to work towards peace and search for common ground for all human beings regardless of their races or relations .
We hopefully urge you to act affectively and seriously on the issue of Guantanamo prisoners using all your power and means . We hope , also , that you send us enough information on what you are doing concerning this issue in order to introduce you to some interested communities

Important Notes:
The united states of America is charged by doing the following actions :
1- Captivated POW’s of multi-national Muslims , chained them , kidnapped and transmitted them on a plan for 27 hours without notifying their countries .
2- POW’s were brutally and inhumanly detained in Cuba .
3- The prisoners are deprived of using their five senses.
4- They are not allowed to have lawyers to represent them in Court
5- Forced them to give information .
6- Do not even specify any clear charges .
7- they are imprisoned in Cuba so as the american law cannot be applied on them.

Complaints :
All Muslims invite you to share them in achieving the following :
1- Releasing their war prisoners from the American oppression represented in :
* fighting each struggler .
* charging each innocent .
* preventing people from defending their attitudes .
2- Returning their war prisoners .
3- The Islamic world should share in the investigations .
4- Treating POW’s according to the Islamic law and before an Islamic court . ( if it is solid proved that they are actually guilty of what the US accused them) .
5- These procedures should be taken after the American and the International forces withdrawal from Islamic Afghanistan .
6- Suing the president George.W.Bush and his Department as a war criminals .

We ‘d be grateful to your help and eagerly look forward to your human support .


يا أهالي الأسرى ..
ليس يحسن بكم السكوت، بل لابد من المطالبة الجادة بذويكم.. وتكوين لجان شعبية تتحدث باسمكم وتطالب بحقكم، وتقوم بالدفاع عن أبنائكم في كل المحافل الدولية .. في كل مدينة أو دولة تقطنون فيها .


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