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صـوتــيـات و مـرئـيـات دروس ، محاضرات ، خطب ، أناشيد

موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم(ـة) 13-07-2003, 11:56 PM   #1
بو حيدرة
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2002
المشاركات: 19
يا بناااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا اااااااااااااااااااااااااااااات

" Innocent Relationships " ( Part 3) ولا تقربوا الزنى انه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا

Dear brothers and sisters, we r still talking about our topic “ innocent relationships” here we go with a very common story that happens in our every day life ( around 65%).. A beautiful girl…just 18 years old..Straight A student..from a normal family.. Her islam was weak of course…She was too much into this open minded thinking…as a lot of girls r… she just wanted to be happy I guess…be content…never be lonely or bored…well…

A guy calls this girl…every night bothering her…this girl never talked to guys…she never had the taste of it yet…well he persisted and he finally convinced her…she had a relationship with this guy for around 1 year and a half…imagine this guy leaves her because he says he wants someone else….so after that…the girl is lost…doesn’t know what to do…of course doesn’t go to Allah…. keeps on calling the guy everyday to get him back…stays alone for a while…then talks to another guy…..then she finds that the first guy fooled her…since she didn’t even know his real name…can u imagine that…very common story…she never did anything with him or anything…just friendly talking and loving and seeing each other …” only “…well after she talked to the second guy…she stopped…then talked to another…stayed with this guy for 1 year also… then something happened…of course something would because its 7aram…well they kind of did “some” things with each other…after all she was taking the steps slowly but surely….until they left…of course this girl didn’t get It…..she continued watching her stupid shows on tv.. going to cinemas…to centers..still not convinced with the 7ijab and Islamic modesty or anything… she sees guys all around her..watches movies and tv shows which contain things that she used to do…so of course she wants it again...so she talked to another whole bunch of guys…and finally “did it” with one of them…she simply continued where she left off with the last… someone asked this girl…why did u do it??...she said…I don’t know I always thought I was a good innocent girl…but every time I want to stop, something pulls me deeper and deeper into it…poor thing….she didn’t know that that thing pulling her is the shai6an…that’s if u believe in Islam… see girls need to quench their loneliness with something…it can either be bad or good…up to u to choose…this girl stopped for maybe 2 weeks..but her heart still craved guys..since she got used to it…one after the other…see 3 to 4 year process…but it happened…step by step… why?? Because a lot of girls have this mentality where they say “ oh..im good..i only talk .”…then after they accept that…they go on and start to see each other then say “ oh im good I only see him..others do stuff with them “….until so on…and finally it happens…to a lot of girls unfortunately..the most innocent..most beautiful always of course…. And after that what happens??...the girl loses herself confidence…she starts to hate herself and hate everyone… because she knows that she is bad now…she starts to have a low self esteem..and its hard to go back to being good after all that…it becomes a way of living… she simply continues because the thing she had she lost and she cant get back…so she has in her head “ 3adi im bad now…who cares” …ur heart and brain becomes so full of it…and u have a lot of encouragement for it too since u watch all this junk on tv…and all that love music… ur heart just craves it more and more… tell me…do u guys think its funny??...u think that it cant happen to u…a lot of u r in the same footsteps…it might not take 1 month..maybe 3 years or 4…but remember this email… these guys who do this to u girls have no feeling…no guilt no nothing…l2ana when one does this as an everyday thing..he doesn’t care…there is no limit…do u think that they will get to a certain point and stop?? LoL..ya right…a girl and a guy alone in a room..or a car…what r they gonna do watch tv?? Come on please…once u start u cant stop…the shai6an is stronger than all of u..and sorry to say u girls are the biggest losers… anyway let me finish the story…the guy who finally got her to do it… he left her after that..for someone else…Allahu a3lam what he says about her…and how he probably laughs with his friends all night… “ I did this and that to that girl” “ that girl is like this and like that” “and she did this noise and that noise” and “ she lives here and studies there”….yeah guys are proud of themselves when they do that to u girls…look at how they’ve ruined ur reputations…and ruined u in everyway possible… I hate to say it to u girls..but u girls ask for it all the time…always think u know it all.. tell me what happens when someone comes to marry u? u think they wont find out…Guys talk so much..i mean I could just name tons of girls..but that wouldn’t be right……Shape up! Get this western open minded and influenced thinking OUT of ur head…there is no such thing as balanced…take what suits u and leave the rest?!… this girl had a lot of chances , look at how many times Allah pulled her away from these guys…but she just didn’t want Islam..didnt want to keep herself safe… imagine these guys have aids? Can u guarantee?.. to just sleep with a girl that easily…and then dump her?? Something sad isn’t it?...yes it is…U know whats funny about this common story…and im sure a lot of u girls reading could relate…after every relationship that goes down the drain and leads to pain..the girl says” oh ive learnt my lesson now I wont do it again”…all that’s left for a girl to say is “ oh im good, others sleep with more than one guy ive only done it with one!”…I bet some have said that too…since u eventually become so sick…not even the same person u used to be…then she thinks she can go on without Allah…funny isn’t it?..Allah made u..Allah knows that u need him…and there is no such thing as “ oh I cant be a strong Muslim its impossible” …Allah made u and he knows what u can take and cant take… So don’t rebel and think u know it All….Because u don’t…..Allah knows and u Don’t!

ولا تقربوا الزنى انه كان فاحشة وساء سبيلا


يا أيها الناس كلوا مما في الأرض حلالا ولا تتبعوا خطوات الشيطان انه لكم عدو مبين

Look at the ayaat..arent they clear…Allah says things for a reason..but u people ignore the Holy Quran and the Sunnah…thinking u can go without it and live happily and content..the thing is u cant..u need Allah..if u think islam is backward then ur a fool…and ur backward.. Islam has the solution to every problem
بو حيدرة غير متصل  

قديم(ـة) 14-07-2003, 12:44 AM   #2
زياد بن محمد
صورة زياد بن محمد الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jun 2002
البلد: ..الأفق
المشاركات: 543

this story as all story that we now >>>> and it hapen in other city or cuontry I hop

and U now the reisons ( caused ) I think U Understand

but can U translate your story in arabic to preform and to be commn for all

thanks ZzIiAaDd
زياد بن محمد غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 15-07-2003, 03:49 AM   #3
نبع الحنان
صورة نبع الحنان الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2001
البلد: اليابان - هيروشيما
المشاركات: 3,391
كيف الحال ؟

وش السالفة ؟
إلتقاء أرواح .. في مدونة نبع الحنان


نبع الحنان غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 16-07-2003, 04:07 PM   #4
صورة الصيوان الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2001
البلد: القصيم - بريدة
المشاركات: 1,099
للحذف ........

الصيوان غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 17-07-2003, 02:26 PM   #5
الجندي المجهول
تاريخ التسجيل: May 2003
البلد: بجنبك
المشاركات: 404
خلاص ok
الجندي المجهول غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 17-07-2003, 03:09 PM   #6
أبوعمر السحيم
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2003
البلد: :: المملكة العربية السعودية ::
المشاركات: 1,017
وش القصة ؟؟

تكلموا رجاءا بلغة القران علشان نفهم
أبوعمر السحيم غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 17-07-2003, 03:24 PM   #7
صورة محبكم الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2002
البلد: هنـــــــــــــــــــــا
المشاركات: 2,712
الاخ الغاالي ابوحيدرة ...

موضوع تشكر عليه وهو وإن حاولت ان افهم الى الاقل مضمونه .....لكن اظن ان موقعه ليس هنا في منتدى كل من فيه يتلكم اللغة العربية فضلا عن ان القصة او الصورة التي ذكرت في موضوعك تكون موجودة في مجتمعنا ......

شكري وتقديري ....

والشكر موصول الى الاخ زياد بن محمد على توضيحه ...

فلاش والله لن تندم إذا رأيته [/COLOR][/c]
اللهم احفظ البلاد والعباد .......
اللهم احفظ البلاد والعباد........
اللهم احفظ البلاد والعباد........

محبكم غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 17-07-2003, 03:59 PM   #8
تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2003
البلد: بريده (رضي الله عنه)
المشاركات: 13,063


يالله ياشباب أكتبوا زيهم

مع الخير ياشقرا
المنخرش غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 17-07-2003, 04:01 PM   #9
مدحت شوقي بريده
.. وللشطوب نكهة و نكهة ..
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2002
البلد: هناك
المشاركات: 16,085
صح ...

وخاصه ان القصه طويله شوي ...

وبعدين الصوره ماهيب ملونه ..
والفار اللي طلع مع الباب وهو يلحق بس ..
اظن فيه مبالغه .. لأننا خابرين البس هو اللي يلحق الفار ؟؟؟

وفي نظرية كلينتون مادري ليبتون .. ايه عرفته نيوتن ...
اللي تقول ..
يادار وين الحبيب اللي نزلك اليوم يادار ... اليوم والله مادري صاحبي بآية ديره ..

المفترض وضع القصه في منتدى الشكاوى ... لأن فيها شكوى من الجوازات
لأنهم تتصل عليهم اذا فيه حريقه عندك ولا يجونك الا تالي الليل ويصير العشاء بارد ..
وانت طالب بيتزا ويجيبون لك مطبق ..
ما ادري وشلون هالعالم تمشي ...

والسلام ائليكم ..

.. قلب البحطلة ينبض ..
ينبض ينبض ينبض ..

مدحت شوقي بريده غير متصل  
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