
عـودة للخلف بريدة ستي » بريدة ستي » أفـــراح و احــتــفــالات » May Allah forgive all

أفـــراح و احــتــفــالات المناسبات العامة في بريدة و الاجتماعات وحفلات الزواج والترحيب بالأعضاء

أدوات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم(ـة) 20-10-2008, 11:54 AM   #1
تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2008
البلد: CANADA
المشاركات: 12
May Allah forgive all



living here is good and all, but I AM TOOOO ANGRY

What happened to the 22 year old Abdulhadi in a month in Buraydah: First i was stolen...somebody stole 10,000 riyals from my hotel. Secondly somebody stole mu 80 riyal sandals from Al-kholoooj restaurant (7asbiyallahu wani3mal wakeeel) and also i was stolen when i went for 3omrah for the first time in life. And lastly the Bedwans are just a pain and hard to deal with.

I will conclude by saying that all of this did not happen in my life in the west ,but rather it takes place here IN THE LAND OF THE PROPHET SALALAHU 3ALIHEE WASALAM.


Please ,my brothers and sisters in this forum, please do du3aa for me because i am depressed
Abdul-hadi غير متصل   الرد باقتباس


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