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قديم(ـة) 22-09-2010, 08:01 AM   #1
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تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
البلد: فلسطين
المشاركات: 143
تحديث Profile Scheduler v1.10.9 مبدل الأوضاع المدهش


Profile Scheduler v1.10.9

|- مبدل الأوضاع المدهش -|

font=Century Gothic]Profile Scheduler is a completely free application Designed for S60 OS 9.1 Symbian smart phones, and tested only with Nokia S60 devices. This version should work with All S60 3rd & 5th edition devices, including Nokia 5800 and N97.

With Profile scheduler you can automate your profile changing with timer, so you can enjoy your good night sleep being off-line without disturbing phone calls, and be back on-line automatically even before you actually wake up.

Also if you wan to get your theme changed same time with the profile, then do download the Theme Scheduler available at this site as well.

Note that when you are flying, they do say that you need to shut down your phone, Profile scheduler does not work when the device is off, but if you just turn your device off-line, the scheduler might turn the profile on again, thus if you don't want to turn your device on while flying, do remember to turn the profile scheduling off


•!¦[• تحميل •]¦!•


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