
عـودة للخلف بريدة ستي » بريدة ستي » سـوالـيـف كـشكـولـيـة » Sell Laptops / Plasma Television / LCD, Game Consoles / GPS / Camera

سـوالـيـف كـشكـولـيـة الطرائف و الألغاز

موضوع مغلق
أدوات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم(ـة) 31-12-2007, 07:48 PM   #1
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2007
المشاركات: 2
Sell Laptops / Plasma Television / LCD, Game Consoles / GPS / Camera

We are wholesalers / delaers on all consumer electronics such as laptops/ Plasma Television / LCD, Game Consoles / GPS / Video Camera / Camcorders . All Brand New and come in their original sealed box, With complete original accessories and 1 year international warranty from the manufacturer.

Contact Paul Elvis
Email: eletelcom_uk@terra.es

Wholesale Price List:
10 X Microsoft XBox 360 Elite = US$1507.50

10 X Nintendo Wii = US$1005.00

10 X Sony Playstation 3 60GB = US$2002.50
10 X Sony Playstation 3 80GB = US$2755.50

Toshiba Satellite A75-S229 Laptop Computer---$300
Toshiba Satellite M45-S311 LaptopComputer---$370
Toshiba Satellite R15-S822 Laptop Computer---$400
Toshiba Qosmio G15-AV501 Laptop Computer---$600
Toshiba Satellite A65-S126 Laptop Computer---$300
Toshiba Satellite P25-S526 Laptop Computer---$500
Toshiba Satellite A45-S120 Laptop Computer---$300
Toshiba Satellite M35X-S149 Laptop Computer---$350
Toshiba Qosmio E15-AV101 Laptop Computer---$700
Toshiba Satellite P35-S609 Laptop Computer---$650
Toshiba Qosmio F15-AV201 Laptop Computer----$600
Toshiba Portege M200 Laptop Computer------$400

(Sony VAIO)
Sony VAIO A170 Laptop Computer-----$900
Sony VAIO GRT250 Laptop Computer----$700
Sony VAIO V505DC1 Laptop Computer----$650
Sony VAIO GRT270 Laptop Computer------$800
Sony VAIO GRT100 Laptop Computer------$900
Sony VAIO PCG-GRX7001 Laptop Computer---$600
Sony VAIO PCG-R505ESK SuperSlim Pro Notebook---$750
Sony VAIO A130P LaptopComputer -------$600
Sony VAIO VGN-B100B08 Laptop Computer Notebook---$700
Sony PCG-K33 VAIO K33 - Mobile Pentium 4----$400

Sony Cybershot DSC-W7 7.2 Megapixel .... $100
Sony Cybershot (DSC-T1) 5.1MP .... $120
Sony DSCT33 Cyber-Shot - 5.1 MegaPixels .... $150
Sony CyberShot 8.1 Megapixel .... $220
Sony Cybershot Digital Camera, 8.0 Megapixel .... $130
Sony Cybershot 5.24 MP 2560x1920 5x Opt .... $150
Sony Cybershot Digital Camera 5 Megapixel .... $160
Sony Cybershot Digital Camera + 1GB Kit .... $250
Sony Cybershot Digital Camera 512M Pro Duo .... $200

DVD Handycam Camcorder,DCR-DVD203 .... $250
DVD Handycam Camcorder,DCR-DVD7E .... $160
DCR-DVD7 DVD Camcorder .... $170
DCR-DVD602E PAL DVD Camcorder .... $200
Dcr Dvd201e Sony Dvd Camcorder .... $320
Sony DVD HandyCam Camcorder .... $500
Sony DCR-DVD201 DVD Digital Camcorder ....$200
Sony DCRHC42 DVD Handycam Camcorder .... $170
Sony DCR-DVD103DVD Camcorder .... $240

Panasonic TH-37PHD8UK Plasma $350
Panasonic TH-42PWD8UK Plasma $600
Panasonic TH-42PHD8UK Plasma $500
Panasonic TH-42PD50U EDTV $ 450
Panasonic TH-42PX50U Plasma $650
Panasonic TH-50PX50U Plasma $700
Panasonic TH-65PHD8UK Plasma $900

Sony FWD-42PV1 Plasma Display $500
Sony PFM-42X1 Plasma Display $550
Sony FWD-50PX2 Plasma Display $700

Philips 42PF7320A/37 Plasma TV $600
Philips 42PF9630A/37 Plasma HDTV $700
Philips 50PF7320A/37 Plasma HDTV $720
Philips 50PF9630A/37 Plasma HDTV $550
Philips 50PF9830A/37 Plasma HDTV $800

Samsung HPP3761 Plasma TV $600
Samsung PPM42M5S Plasma Display $500
Samsung SPP4251 Plasma TV $650
Samsung PPM42M5H Plasma Display $530
Samsung HPR4252 Plasma $650
Samsung HPR4262 Plasma TV $520
Samsung HPR4272 Plasma $530
Samsung PPM50M5H Plasma Display $840
Samsung HPR5052 Plasma $620
Samsung HPR5072 Plasma $720
Samsung HPP5581 Plasma TV $740
Samsung PPM63H3Q Plasma Display $700
Samsung HPR6372 Plasma $800

Hitachi CMP4211u Plasma $850
Hitachi CMP4212u Plasma $550
Hitachi 42HDF52 Plasma HDTV $400
Hitachi 42HDT52 Plasma TV $440
Hitachi 55HDS52 Plasma HDTV $480
Hitachi 55HDT52 Plasma TV $650
Hitachi CMP-55HDM71 Plasma $420

AOC Envision A42W64 Plasma $400

Maxent MX-42VM7 Plasma EDTV $570
Maxent MX-50X2 Plasma $500

NEC 42VP5 Plasma TV......... $600
NEC 42VM5HA Plasma TV....... $570
NEC 42VR5HA Plasma - Silver. $500
NEC PX-42XM3A Plasma Display $500
NEC PX-42XM4A Plasma Display $450
NEC PX-42XR4A Plasma Display $550
NEC PX-50XM5A Plasma Display $570
NEC PX-50XR5A Plasma Display $500
NEC PX-61XM3A Plasma Display $600
NEC PX-61XM4A Plasma Display $750
NEC PX-61XR4A Plasma Display $700
NEC PX-84VP5A Plasma Display $690
NEC PX-84VM5A Plasma Display $650

Pioneer pdp-424mv plasma TV -$1,300
Pioneer pdp-42a3hd plasma TV -$1,220
Pioneer pdp-434cmx plasma tv-$1,380
Pioneer pdp-43a5hd plasma tv-$1,300
Pioneer pdp-4360hd plasma TV -$1,200
Pioneer pdp-504cmx plasma tv-$1,300
Pioneer pdp-505cmx plasma TV -$1,170
Pioneer pdp-5060hd plasma tv-$1,390

Sharp LC37GA5E 37 LCD Television:.$535
Sharp LC26GA5E 26 LCD Televisio...$840
Sharp Aquos LC-15B4E 15?LCD Television:.$800
Sharp Aquos 26 IDTV LCD TV with Freeview:$215
Sharp LC-20B5E 20 in. LCD Television:....$210
Sharp LCM-3700 37? LCD Television:......$300
Sharp 50cmV LCD-4:3 Format-NICAM Stereo:.$290
Sharp XVZ200:....................... .....$190
Sharp LCD TV:............................$200

Garmin Nuvi 350 GPS .... $240
Garmin Nuvi 600 GPS .... $370
Garmin GPSMAP 4208 GPS .... $620
Garmin GPSMAP 5212 GPS .... $840

TomTom GO 300 GPS .... $100
TomTom GO 510 GPS .... $120
TomTom GO 700 GPS .... $130
TomTom GO 910 GPS .... $140
TomTom Rider Motorcycle GPS .... $160

Magellan RoadMate 3000T GPS .... $100
Magellan RoadMate 800 GPS .... $140
Magellan RoadMate 860T GPS .... $140

Lowrance iWAY 500C GPS .... $160
Lowrance iWAY 350C GPS .... $140

Navman iCN 520 Vehicle GPS .... $95

Cobra Nav One 4500 Mobile GPS .... $140

Contact Paul Elvis

Email: eletelcom_uk@terra.es

TEL: +447031910469
eletelcomuk غير متصل  

قديم(ـة) 31-12-2007, 08:04 PM   #2
الليــ الأبيض ـث
صورة الليــ الأبيض ـث الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2006
البلد: بــريــدة
المشاركات: 2,969
Ads banned spoke possible management

Understanding them ..

سهيل أقبل :eek5 ,.

الليــ الأبيض ـث غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 31-12-2007, 08:33 PM   #3
صورة التويجري الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2004
البلد: قلب أمي
المشاركات: 3,189
Dear: Paul Elvis

.. Maybe you are in the wrong forum

.. Any way, I need some details about Toshiba laptops
التويجري غير متصل  
قديم(ـة) 31-12-2007, 08:37 PM   #4
خوي السرور
صورة خوي السرور الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Jan 2005
البلد: بريدة ـ الاسكان 4 شرق مسجد كعب الإحبار <<< ييزي ؟
المشاركات: 8,848
ياهـ ياهـ .. دونت سموكنق بليس ..

وات أز ذا ( سالفة ) ؟

كلوز ذيس بروبلم
في بريدة ستي .. كانت لنا أيام :


( قلب حب 1 )
خوي السرور غير متصل  
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