
عـودة للخلف بريدة ستي » بريدة ستي » أخـــبـــار بــريــــدة » Algorithm Elementary School housing and you disrespect our children!

أخـــبـــار بــريــــدة كل ما يهم مدينة بريدة

أدوات الموضوع طريقة العرض
قديم(ـة) 05-11-2009, 06:29 PM   #1
صورة ابوفيصـل الرمزية
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2009
البلد: بــــريـــدة
المشاركات: 109
Algorithm Elementary School housing and you disrespect our children!

My fellow readers
This school is located district Housing number ((5)), which gets him and passes from this school notes Haga very strange it is that the door is wide open for inside and fortune to this school without a guard or janitor, any time go there to find children inside and Elly Elly Elly climber and sitting at the door No one prevented him from going to the house at any time if your son is studying in this school and are claiming the morning so they do not have a guarantor that there can be returned to the house or a street play.
Thus, our children have become cheap with the Ministry of Education
There must be a quick and immediate solution to this problem, officials
ابوفيصـل غير متصل  


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